Ibiz cleaner
Ibiz cleaner

And although it was pretty simple at this point, especially compared to iBiz today, it still had some neat features for its time, such as 1-click emailing of invoices and an idle timer. iWork was a big success and continued to grow in popularity. I developed it to version 3.0 and then the next iteration was a complete re-write, called iWork. However, I still continued to chase my other little passion, to make AtWork better and better. I continued to make a few bucks a day, but certainly not enough to consider “going indie.” Besides, I was happy plugging away on my dissertation and chasing rare plants around southern California. I continually updated and improved upon AtWork and pushed new builds to my file server. I could hardly believe it! In a lot of ways, selling this first app marks the very beginning of IGG. The first day I posted it, I sold one copy.

ibiz cleaner ibiz cleaner

I found the app quite useful so I decided I would put it up on the internet and charge $6 for it. You probably get where this story is going and alas, AtWork was born. As an early OS X adopter (early as in, I installed the first beta) I was frustrated that there wasn’t an app to track the time I was spending writing reports - time I ultimately needed to bill back to the client. The fun part of the job was hiking around botanizing, the not so fun part was writing a report back at home. Occasionally on the weekends and between classes I would survey for rare plants as a side gig. Over a decade ago I was a graduate student studying biology and plant population modeling. The story of iBiz is really the story of how IGG started.

Ibiz cleaner