Everwing cheats to evolve perfect tier
Everwing cheats to evolve perfect tier

Gold eggs have a one-eighths chance of getting you a legendary dragon once hatched, which means you’ll have a decent chance to earn some legendaries, while having a better chance of earning a lot of rare dragons in addition. Selling them at level 29 will give you at least 280,000 coins per dragon sold, while selling at level 30 will net you about 3,000 trophies or thereabouts.

everwing cheats to evolve perfect tier

Here’s An Easy Way To Sell Your Dragons The Right WayEverWing allows you to sell your dragons, and you can make good use of your legendary dragons by selling any dragon you’re currently raising once they’re at level 29, and not at level 30. They’ll both need to be at level 20 for the second evolution, and so on, and so forth. In order to evolve, you’ll require two dragons of the same kind, and both at level 10. As these are common dragon eggs, there’s a good chance you’re going to get duplicates of dragons you already have, but that’s actually a good thing - you’ll need them to evolve your dragons.


Common dragons can contribute the most damage against raid bosses, so make sure you’re leveling them up, or better yet, evolving them! How To Evolve Your Common Dragons The Right WayAs for the process of evolving your common dragons, you will first have to take the necessary amount of coins, and go to the store to buy some common eggs. That makes them the most ideal pet to bring along with you to battle, and also the best pet to use when it comes to raid bosses. What Happens If You Can’t Beat The Raid Bosses?Raid bosses will, of course, progressively become stronger as you go along and defeat more of them, while they gain more levels. If you’re lucky enough and the glitch is manifesting, you’ll be able to collect the chest once again and get different rewards it’s a nice way of grinding, but once again, we don’t know how long you’ll be able to take advantage of it. Simply collect your last chest, close Facebook Messenger entirely, then reopen the app and go back to the same group chat/text as the last boss battle. Try This Cheat To Earn More RewardsNow this is something that may be patched up in the future, but while you’re still able to do so, you might as well try it out for yourself.After raid boss battles, you’ll sometimes be able to repeatedly collect the rewards, though the operative word here is “sometimes” - there are times when this glitch will be available to exploit, and other times when it won’t. We would, however, note that you have to close the game after you’ve defeated one boss, then move on to the next group chat and open up the game to proceed with another raid boss battle.

everwing cheats to evolve perfect tier

It’s just as easy as using a group text feature, such as the one on Facebook Messenger with that, you can start raiding as often as you want. Arguably, the first thing you need to do after learning the basics of the game is to find some friends who may be interested in EverWing, and ask them to help you out in the raid boss battles. Get By With A Little Help From Your FriendsWhen we reference this lyric, we’re talking about the social element of EverWing, which we had hammered home in the game overview. All-out offense will only get you in trouble let your offense come from your defense and you’ll have a better chance of winning.

everwing cheats to evolve perfect tier

When playing in single-player mode, you won’t get this problem too much, but when teaming up in raid boss battles, you’ll notice the bosses using different types of attacks.With that in mind, you should go with a defense-first strategy – prioritize avoiding or parrying attacks, then countering or using hit-and-run techniques for a better chance of dishing out some damage against the bosses. Avoid Everything In Raid Boss Battles, And Defense FirstRaid boss battles are the lifeblood of the game, so to say, and when it comes to these battles, the first thing you need to learn is to avoid all attacks that are unleashed your way.

Everwing cheats to evolve perfect tier